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Mexico Insurance

Tourist Mexico Insurance Washington

Driving in Mexico…Why buy Mexico insurance? The main reason for this is in most cases in Mexico a car accident is considered a criminal offence and is prosecuted as such, and In America it is a civil offence. So for this reason most auto insurance plans do not cover you while driving in mexico. Click the to the right >>>>>> to buy your Mexico auto insurance now!

We use  MIO to insure your car in Mexico. Mexican law states that tourist vehicles must be insured by a Mexican domiciled insurer. Less than 20 insurers in Mexico provide Mexico tourist auto insurance. When insuring a car in Mexico, it is important to know the A.M. Best Company rating for the insurer providing coverage. You should never provide coverage to your clients from unrated insurers, especially in Mexico. All the companies MIO provides tourist auto coverage through carry an “Excellent” or “Good” rating from A.M. Best Company.

The Advantages of MIO Mexico Auto Insurance Coverage:

  • MIO provides the Best Coverage in the market.
  • GMAC Financed and other Lender Approved policies.
  • Low-priced policies available.
  • Financially secure (A.M. Best A-rated or better) Insurers.
  • Broad appetite…high valued autos, RV’s, motorcycles.

Click here for a Mexico Tourist Auto Insurance Quote

Other Mexico Insurance:
